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HP Work Relationship Index

2024 HP Work Relationship Index Shows AI Users Enjoy Healthier Work Relationships

The second annual global HP Work Relationship Index (WRI) indicates that employees utilizing AI report a significantly more positive relationship with their work, scoring 11 points higher in satisfaction compared to non-AI users.

Key Insights:

  • Just 26% of UK knowledge workers across various industries have a healthy relationship with work, showing only a minor increase from last year.
  • AI adoption among UK knowledge workers has dramatically risen to 66% in 2024, up from 27% the previous year.
  • Over two-thirds of UK knowledge workers express a desire for personalised work experiences, and 85% would consider sacrificing part of their salary for such customization.
  • Only 27% of UK leaders feel confident in their human skills, with female leaders showing significantly higher confidence than their male counterparts.

Study Overview: Released on September 24, 2024, HP Inc.’s WRI surveyed 15,600 respondents across 12 countries, highlighting the persistent challenges in achieving a fulfilling work-life balance. Despite a slight uptick in the percentage of workers with healthy relationships, the findings underline the need for AI and personalised work environments as critical solutions.

Neil Sawyer, Managing Director of HP UK and Ireland, noted, “As worker expectations evolve, many businesses have yet to adapt their environments and cultures accordingly. In the UK, 76% of business leaders acknowledge the urgency for change to enhance work relationships, a 10-point increase from 2023. Personalised workspaces are essential, as employees increasingly seek flexibility in how and where they work. Leaders must understand that these choices significantly impact employee wellbeing and engagement.”

The Importance of Personalised Work Experiences: The study underscores a widespread demand for personalised work experiences among knowledge workers. Key statistics reveal:

  • 64% of global knowledge workers state that custom work experiences would increase their commitment to their company’s success.
  • 69% believe it would enhance their overall well-being.
  • 68% would be more inclined to remain with their current employer if their work was personalised.

This demand is so prevalent that 85% of UK knowledge workers are willing to give up up to 13% of their salary for more tailored work experiences.

AI as a Catalyst for Improved Work Experiences: With AI usage climbing to 66% among UK knowledge workers, the benefits are becoming clear:

  • 73% believe AI simplifies their jobs, while 69% are tailoring its use to boost productivity.
  • 60% report that AI helps improve their work-life balance.
  • 68% state that AI creates new opportunities for job satisfaction.
  • Knowledge workers who use AI report being 11 points happier in their work relationships compared to non-users.

However, concerns remain about job displacement due to AI, with 39% of UK workers expressing anxiety about potential job loss—up 10 points from last year.

Leadership Confidence Gaps: While the index shows limited overall change globally, certain regions have experienced slight improvements in key areas affecting work relationships, particularly in leadership and fulfillment. Despite the acknowledged importance of human skills such as empathy and communication, a significant gap exists:

  • Over 90% of leaders recognise the value of empathy, yet only 27% of UK leaders feel adept in these skills.
  • Globally, only 28% of workers consistently perceive empathy from their leaders, despite 78% valuing it highly.

A positive trend emerges with female leaders, who demonstrate 10 points more confidence in hard skills and 13 points more in human skills than their male counterparts. Female leaders’ confidence in both skill sets has grown over the past year, while male leaders’ confidence has stagnated or declined.

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