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Project Lazaretta: A call to the Stories of isolation and pandemic from the old and the new world

Eye’s Walk Digital Festival combines digital technology, video installation, performing art and experiential design with the unique cultural and architectural background of a city. We are happy to announce an Open Call for our upcoming project: Project Lazaretta: Digital Stories from the Old and New World.

Eye’s Walk Digital Festival returns to the Lazarets of Syros and Corfu islands. We visit places that have been quarantine stations for travelers, prisons, places of execution or asylums and aim to explore the search for a better life and hope, which can flourish in the most adverse conditions.

What do spaces tell us about the human condition? What unites us with the thousands of people who passed through the Lazarets of the world? We make this call to keep our tracks alive, to identify traces that make human experience unique and universal.

“Project Lazaretta: Digital Stories from the Old and New World” is supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture and will be completed in two parts:

Part A
Digital culture platform of art work that draws inspiration from the lazarets of Syros and Corfu, focusing on the modern historical context of pandemic. Digital artists are encouraged to study and approach the history of Lazarets and especially those of Syros and Corfu. (Feel free to contact us for suggested study material.)

Form: Digital & Video Art, Screen Dance, Video Performances – maximum duration of 8 minutes.
Entry fee: No entry fee is required
Compensation: Each selected artist will be awarded a compensation of 150 euros.
Deadline: Submission of digital and audio projects by 15 January 2021 to

Part B
Audio documentary from selected thoughts, words and sounds from people living today’s Pandemic and Isolation. The audio documentary will lead to the production of soundscape-storytelling in conjunction with Video Art Installation in the two Lazarettas.
This call is open to anyone who wants to participate and does not require participation in Part A or previous artistic activity.

Form: Participants are invited to send us an mp4 audio with their voice answering the following questions: • What do you see? • What are you listening to? • What do you feel?
Entry fee: No entry fee is required
Compensation: No compensation for participants
Deadline: Submission of digital and audio projects by 15 January 2021 to

The full text of Open Call can be found here in Greek and in English


 Notes to editors

For more information please contact:

Eleni ArapoglouTel:

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