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5 Benefits of Choosing Integral Blinds for Bifold Doors

When it comes to choosing blinds for bifold doors integral blinds are the best option on the market. Integral blinds boast many advantages from assisting in controlling room temperature

to maintain privacy. This article shall explore the benefits integral blinds bring to bifold doors.

What are Bifold Doors?

Bifold doors are sliding doors which fold in or out to open up a space. In recent years bifolding doors have become popular amongst detached and terraced houses as they assist in maximising the space of a room. As well as assisting in space saving, bifolding doors add to the aesthetic of a room as they assist in maximising light into a room. Bifolding doors can have between two and seven panels and the tracking system which they are attached to assist in creating a smooth operation.

Choice of Venetian or Pleated Blind Styles

Integral blinds come with the option of either venetian or pleated blinds. Venetian blinds are horizontal slats that offer the user full control over the amount of light that enters the room. Pleated blinds on the other hand are shutter-like in nature and allow a soft diffusion of light in the summer months and maximum light throughout the winter season. With both styles of blinds for bifold doors offered this will, therefore, allow the buyer to tailor the blinds to their own taste and specific home decor.

Minimal Visual Impact

Unlike other styles of blinds, integral blinds offer minimal visual impact and they do not interfere with the opening mechanism of the doors as they are enclosed within the glass. Integral blinds can be fitted inside any door in sizes from 300mm to 2600mm wide and in any frame.

Wide Range of Colours Available

Integral blinds for bifold doors come in a wide range of colours to match every home. A sample of available colours include white, yellow, beige, green, blue, grey and cream. Each colour also comes with a percentage showing its own particular solar reflection, light reflection or solar absorption.

Pleated blinds are available in a choice of 18 colours whereas 10 colours are available in Venetian blinds. S159 anthracite grey is only available from the UK through Morley Glass and Glazing and this colour specifically complements aluminium windows and doors.

Blackout Integrated Blinds are Available

Blackout blinds for bi folding doors are also available which provide maximum shading and privacy as well as assisting in keeping a home secure.

No Maintenance Required

As both types of integral blinds are permanently placed inside the double glazed unit there is no need for cleaning as dust particles do not sit on the glass. This makes integral blinds a hygienic as well as aesthetic blind option for bi folding doors as they are dust and allergy resistant. ScreenLine integrated blind systems are long lasting with a zero maintenance lifespan.

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