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Why Finding That Perfect Holiday Book Isn’t Just For Adults

Summer holidays are the perfect time to just lounge around the pool reading the latest must-read novel.

Of course, the above is incredibly true for us parents who just love a break in the sun. However, if your child loves reading, then they will want to have their own summer read with them when the holidays come around.

If your child is aged between six and 12, then ‘Boken’s Crazy Camping Caper’ could be the answer. It is being constantly recommended by children’s book critics, with IndieRead describing it as a “fun, well-written chapter book to please both kids and their parents”.

It tells the story of a funny little Miniature Schnauzer called Boken on his first camping trip away. A preview of the story describes, states that “there is plenty of fun, adventure and intrigue, but there is also drama and more than a little danger”.

It is also a story with a message, with the preview adding: “Messages in the book include respecting the environment as well as a clear warning that not all animals are friendly – that they too need to be treated with respect, at all times”.

The e-book comes with illustrations that bring the story to life, while the audiobook features sound effects that will make your child feel like they are part of the story.

The creative behind Boken, Sara Mastriforte, was keen to praise her entire team. 

She said: “I am so lucky to be able to produce these books with people, who have the natural ability to see detail in ways that make humour, danger, adventure and every other requirement, shine through their illustrations. As with the whole series, Boken’s Crazy Camping Caper is a testament to their unabridged creativity and teamwork.”

Produced independently by Greystone Productions Ltd, the e-book and audiobook are available from Boken’s website: and all major digital retailers.

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