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International Recruitment – Everything you Need to Know

Hiring people from abroad and even setting up entire departments abroad has become the norm. More and more foreigners are working in both small and large companies. Read our guide to international recruitment.

International recruitment has become commonplace for many employers and recruiters. However, for some, the process still seems quite complicated. We will try to dispel these doubts and encourage employers to hire foreign workers.

What are the advantages of hiring foreign workers?

  1. Expansion into foreign markets. A foreign worker can become an expert or business development assistant in the home country.
  2. A foreigner employed in our company gives us the chance to know and experience a different perspective on running a business.
  3. A foreigner can create content in their native language and establish business relationships without fear of cultural differences.
  4. The expansion of recruitment in foreign countries will significantly increase the chances of finding the right person for the proposed position.
  5. The hiring process for both EU and non-EU people has been simplified to the maximum – so the issue of formalities becomes a secondary issue

International recruitment – what to consider

Before you decide to recruit internationally, consider:

  • Who do you want to hire? Create a detailed candidate profile including: experience, education, skills, language skills, country of origin
  • Do the foreign candidate’s skills match your requirements? See commonalities between the candidate’s skills and education and the requirements and rules of employment of the proposed position.
  • What formalities must be completed? It is important to find out about the country of origin of the potential candidate. Can we hire him legally in our country?

After hiring a foreigner, if possible, they should be helped to:

  • integrate into the new workplace
  • find an apartment
  • complete and send all the necessary formalities
  • be guided in the logistics of traveling to work / home / shops / offices

Where to look for employees from other countries?

First of all, we recommend that you visit and check the offer for employers.

Why is it worth adding a job ad on

  • the job ad can appears in 9 language versions
  • reaches potential Candidates from all over Europe
  • modern solutions that allow access to candidates from all over Europe
  • database of proposed candidates
  • available search filters (work for couples, with accommodation, with transport, no language skills, no CV)

We offer:

  • 3 types of paid ads
  • various forms of payment
  • the possibility of preparing an individual offer

Where else to look for foreign workers?

  • local employment offices, private employment agencies
  • EURES (European Employment Services)
  • universities/schools with an international profile
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