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UniTaskr PRO Launches To Give Businesses Access To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Student Workers

Now connects small and large businesses to the UK’s students for full and part time meaningful work, not just tasks

UniTaskr, the first company in the UK to connect businesses with students for gig work, is launching a new function to allow businesses to access a previously untapped pool of enthusiastic and able student talent for part or full-time work.

The PRO Function now allows thousands of businesses large and small to find interns, part time or full time student applicants, for jobs such as social media executives, to product testing and customer service. Companies such as Iceland, Red Bull and Spotify are already using UniTaskr to access this largely untapped talent pool of young workers. 

The site and app (which has ranked as number 1 on Apple in the business and lifestyle categories) is onboarding over 1,000 students per day and has access to students from every university in the UK. Unlike other graduate networks, UniTaskr works with students from the ages of 16 and up, providing young people with a leg up and more time to build relevant experience and gain financial independence around their studies.

Over 275,000 students are signed up with all of the UK’s universities and more than 70% of higher education colleges represented. Since 2019, students have accessed more than £6.5 million of work through the platform.

Joseph Black, co-founder of UniTaskr commented: “In the past, working as a student meant unsociable hours doing bar work for little money, whereas now students can be connected to major companies and gain sector-specific experience that can put them on the path to the career they want, without compromising their studies.”

While anyone can post a couple of tasks a week on the UniTaskr platform for free, the PRO and PRO + subscriptions memberships lets businesses post more tasks or jobs and engage with more potential student workers and access dedicated customer support for a cost effective alternative to professional or agency recruitment.

Joseph Black went on to say: “It’s not just students who are being bitten by the cost of living crisis, it’s also businesses of course, who want to hire top grade talent but can’t afford large recruitment fees or sky high salaries. By recruiting ambitious students and graduates they are not only mobilising this workforce, but can plug gaps in their own resource, and build strong teams plucked from the best higher education institutions in the country.”

Lex Deak, CEO & Co-Founder at Basket, signed up student social media influencers through UniTaskr’s dedicated agency SHOUT:

“UniTaskr have been an awesome partner for Basket, we’ve slashed our acquisition costs by over 90% through working with them. They’re responsive, transparent and a joy to deal with. Couldn’t recommend them highly enough, kudos. ”

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