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Spotlight: Giving Women a Seat at the Table

Join the Spotlight Experience, an online tech platform dedicated to bringing together senior women in leadership & business

Founder of tech B2B virtual event platform Discussion Box, Lisa Carter, is proud to announce the launch of her brand new platform, Spotlight. An innovative spin off of Discussion Box, Spotlight is a platform built by women, for women, dedicated to supporting senior women in leadership and business across the Fortune 2000. 

Grounded in lived experience, Spotlight by Discussion Box helps global brands bring together the most powerful women in leadership to spark inclusion-focused relationships and conversations that change history. With a unique community rich in women CxO’s, Spotlight is the only woman owned business in this industry, dedicated to giving women a seat at the table.

Despite modest gains in representation over the last 10 years, women are still dramatically underrepresented in leadership roles and this inequality remains a global issue. Spotlight by Discussion Box is here to change the narrative and challenge the status quo, bringing together the world’s most established community of women CxO’s, to provide better representation, one conversation at a time.

“Our DNA makes us different and our dedication to pioneering change helps women change the face and future of leadership. By unmuting women’s voices, we pull out the seat for other women who actively challenge the status quo,” says Lisa.

When women ‘take a seat’ at the Spotlight table, they are opening the door to a whole new world of opportunities, such as:

  • Exclusive access to an all-woman community of technology innovators and stakeholders who are leading change.
  • A chance to join the conversation with women leaders moving the needle in the right direction.
  • Feel safe in an inclusive environment for all women.
  • Help find solutions to real-world challenges and support the acceleration of key business priorities.
  • Gain early access to likeminded technology partners to dramatically reduce RFP/RFI costs.
  • Curate demand generation programs where women help other women win.

Committed to growing a business that is culturally diverse and inclusive by design, Spotlight by Discussion Box works with global technology clients such as IBM, Google, Recurly, Alight, Palo Alto Networks, Intel, Comcast, and so many more, who are passionate about driving change from the top down.

Join The Spotlight and take your seat at the table. Together, we can trailblaze our way to the most powerful women in leadership.

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