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Managing Director of Flemings Mayfair Henrik Muehle Named Corporate Ambassador of CEO Sleepout London

Having raised over £36k for charity by sleeping rough, Henrik Muehle, Managing Director of Flemings Mayfair Hotel, has been appointed Corporate Ambassador for registered charity, CEO Sleepout London. CEO Sleepout fights homelessness and poverty in the UK and is funded with money raised by business and community leaders who secure sponsorship for sleeping outdoors for one night. Over £3.6 million has been raised to date.

Having participated in CEO Sleepout events in London for the last two years and committed to sleeping rough this coming November, Henrik has unrivalled understanding of how the business leadership community can assist the campaign. His ambassadorial role will include facilitating networking and acting as a spokesperson for the London event.

He is fully aware of the challenges facing the homeless and those in poverty through his work with Charity Begins at Home. Henrik has volunteered every week for the last 3.5 years supporting the UK registered charity with food distribution every Friday near Charing Cross Station. As part of his work with this charity, Flemings Mayfair has also cooked and donated over 7,000 meals to people in need.

Henrik Muehle, Managing Director, Flemings Mayfair comments: “With people in need relying so much more on food banks – compounded by the cost-of-living crisis in 2023 – it’s so important we do our bit for those less fortunate. I am honoured to be a corporate ambassador for CEO Sleepout London and am committed to spreading awareness of the initiative and raising much needed funds.”

Chief Executive of CEO Sleepout UK, Bianca Robinson noted “We are delighted to have Henrik on board as a corporate ambassador. As one of our biggest fundraisers, he is helping drive vital fundraising to tackle homelessness in the capital.”

To find out more about CEO Sleepout’s London event and to sign up or donate, visit:

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