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Viewpoint and TrustQuay Finalize Merger, Paving the Way for Automation and Digitalization in Wealth, Trust, Corporate, and Fund Services

After receiving regulatory approval, the merger transaction between TrustQuay and Viewpoint has been successfully concluded, following the initial announcement made in February of this year. This strategic merger establishes a prominent technology provider headquartered in the United Kingdom, specializing in wealth management, trust administration, corporate services, and fund solutions.

Bringing together the strengths of both companies, the combined organization now serves over 660 customers across Europe and Asia, marking a significant milestone. This customer base includes corporate services providers, trust and fund administrators, PLCs, family offices, trust banks, lawyers, and accounting firms.

Customers stand to benefit from an expanded range of capabilities and products, broader coverage of regulatory environments, and enhanced global customer service. The support is available 24/7 and encompasses a comprehensive suite of solutions, including entity management, client accounting, practice management, compliance, governance, and workflow tools. These solutions cater to over 46,000 operational users spanning 80+ jurisdictions.

With 12 office locations across Jersey, Guernsey, the UK, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia, the business is now well-positioned to deliver greater product innovation, scale up its professional services, customer support, and business development efforts, and accelerate growth in all key product areas. This growth trajectory is supported by a dedicated workforce of 270 employees.

As part of the merger’s completion, Rolf Heemskerk, the former CEO of Viewpoint, has assumed the role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) within the newly formed group and has joined the board.

Keith Hale, Group CEO of TrustQuay and Viewpoint, expresses his thoughts on the merger: “Our combined product capabilities, development scale, and global customer service coverage enable us to offer a unique range of solutions to our customers and the wider market. By joining forces, we now provide a comprehensive suite of offerings, including entity management, practice management, regulatory compliance, workflow, and digital capabilities, catering to corporate services providers, trust administrators, law firms, trust banks, as well as expanding our product set for global corporates and fund administrators.”

Rolf Heemskerk, the CIO of the Group, further adds: “TrustQuay and Viewpoint are an ideal fit, bringing together complementary strengths in terms of product capabilities, geographic coverage, and organizational prowess. I am excited to collaborate with Keith and our combined management teams to harness the talents of both organizations and leverage the strengths of our products. Through this collaboration, our aim is to facilitate the digital transformation of our customers’ businesses, supporting their future growth and profitability through our cutting-edge cloud technology and associated services.”

The combined business is backed by prominent shareholders, Hg and BPEA EQT. Hg is a leading investor in European and transatlantic software and services businesses, while BPEA EQT serves as the Asian private equity arm of EQT, a purpose-driven global investment organization specializing in active ownership strategies.

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