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NBB Outdoors Introduces Triplex: The Latest Advancement in Leading Anti-Corrosion Protection

NBB Outdoors, a renowned provider of top-quality shelters, walkways, and outdoor furniture, has incorporated Triplex, the cutting-edge innovation in industry-leading anti-corrosion protection, into its product range.

In their ongoing commitment to delivering unmatched quality and performance, NBB Outdoors has partnered with AkzoNobel to bring customers the most advanced anti-corrosion technology available in the market.

Triplex presents a multi-layer powder system that surpasses other coating solutions in terms of superior protection and long-lasting durability.

Corrosion poses a significant challenge for products exposed to various environmental conditions. However, NBB Outdoors has found the perfect solution with the implementation of Triplex.

Products treated with Triplex adhere to ISO 12944 standards and come with an exceptional 25-year guarantee, regardless of the environment. This guarantee empowers businesses to reduce maintenance costs while achieving the highest levels of performance.

Triplex offers the following key benefits:

  • Unmatched protection longevity, backed by an industry-leading 25-year guarantee.
  • Exceptional corrosion protection performance, even in the harshest C5 environments.
  • Supported by AkzoNobel, renowned for over 40 years of proven performance and experience across 70 countries.
  • A sustainable choice, free from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), solvents, or toxic components.
  • A comprehensive solution that combines top-notch barrier and cathodic protection.
  • Ideal for environments with high humidity and salinity.
  • Smooth surface finish akin to furniture, devoid of zinc spikes or roughness.
  • Applied with the highest quality finish, guaranteed.

NBB Outdoors takes immense pride in offering Triplex as the ultimate solution for shielding outdoor products against corrosion.

By opting for Triplex, customers can have peace of mind knowing their outdoor products will be protected for an impressive 25-year period, even in the most challenging C5 classified conditions.

Experience the power of Triplex and discover the reassurance that accompanies long-lasting anti-corrosion protection. Contact NBB Outdoors today to learn more about Triplex and how it can elevate the performance and durability of your outdoor products.

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