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Travel FX, the Online Currency Exchange, Achieves Billion Pound Milestone

Travel FX, the renowned online currency exchange company, is celebrating a significant achievement as it reaches the billion-pound mark in currency exchanges. Since its establishment in 2008, Travel FX has assisted over a million customers in converting their pounds into foreign currency for destinations worldwide.

Co-founders Graham Tennant and Damian George launched the company with the intention of disrupting the travel currency market monopolized by banks and the Post Office. Offering services such as currency exchange, buy back, and international transfers, Travel FX has garnered an impressive reputation, receiving over 15,000 “excellent” ratings on Trustpilot from satisfied customers.

The user-friendly system enables holidaymakers to conveniently order their currency online, make payment with a debit or credit card, and select the desired date of delivery. Travel FX dispatches the cash through insured Royal Mail Special Delivery on the requested date, ensuring a secure and reliable service for its clients.

Graham Tennant, the Managing Director of Travel FX, stated, “When we embarked on this venture, we recognized the need for a shake-up in the industry. Our aim was to provide better rates and superior service compared to our competitors. We are thrilled that, with over a million satisfied customers and numerous industry accolades, we have accomplished just that.”

“We are saving our customers a significant amount of money. By exchanging their cash with us, they can save an impressive £25 per £1,000 compared to the Post Office. For their buy back requirements, they can save £80 per £1,000. A little planning to book the order before the departure date can make all the difference. Those who leave it until the last minute may face up to a 20% higher exchange rate at the airport,” added Tennant.

On this momentous occasion of reaching the billion-pound milestone, Travel FX expresses gratitude to all its customers to date and looks forward to assisting them and new customers with their holiday money in the upcoming year.

Travel FX facilitates exchanges and transfers between pounds and 45 different currencies. The company is able to offer competitive rates and transparent charges due to its lower overheads compared to many competitors. Utilizing cutting-edge money transfer technology, Travel FX ensures the security and timely arrival of every transaction.

According to a recent Mintel report, cash continues to play a vital role in society and is expected to remain significant in the future due to its effectiveness in tracking expenses. For those who prefer card payments, Travel FX plans to introduce virtual cards that can be used via phone wallets, while still enjoying excellent rates.

Responding to customer demand, Travel FX has recently launched an international transfer service. This same day or next day service offers faster and more cost-effective transfers compared to traditional banks or currency brokers. The company guarantees excellent exchange rates and transparent charges for this service, just as it does for its currency exchange offering.

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