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Bluewater Introduces Smart Bottling Solution to Help Hotels Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Bottles

Bluewater, a renowned Swedish water purification and beverage company, has launched an innovative smart bottling system in the UAE to assist hotels in providing guests with freshly generated bottled water using sustainable containers. In collaboration with its UAE distributor partner NIA, the Swedish company unveiled the SmartBottling™ ecosystem, an eco-friendly bottling and distribution solution that enables hospitality businesses to serve guests with fresh and healthy bottled water without relying on single-use plastic bottles.

“Our latest innovation aims to support the hospitality industry in transitioning to a plastic-free environment by offering an efficient, eco-friendly, and cutting-edge alternative to single-use plastic bottles,” said Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater, a Swedish environmental entrepreneur. Speaking at the recent Dubai Hotel Show, Rittri highlighted that hotels have traditionally been significant consumers of single-use plastic bottles, with research indicating that a 200-room four-star hotel can consume up to 20,000 single-use plastic bottles per month.

The Bluewater SmartBottling™ ecosystem incorporates a state-of-the-art purification and micro-bottling plant that efficiently fills, labels, caps, seals, and washes bottles for reuse. The system, launched in Dubai, is fully automated, compact, and easy to install and maintain. The water undergoes purification using Bluewater’s award-winning filtration systems, which effectively remove all impurities. The purified and mineralized water is then bottled in stylish reusable glass bottles to enhance guest satisfaction. The water is enriched with a carefully balanced blend of minerals developed by Bluewater’s senior research scientist, providing a refreshing drinking experience in restaurants, bars, conference and meeting facilities, gyms, and poolside areas.

Visitors to the Dubai Hotel Show had the opportunity to explore and taste Bluewater’s “zero-kilometer-water,” where bottled water is generated and bottled on-site, eliminating the need for long-distance transportation by pollution-generating ships and trucks.

“Based on the feedback we received from visitors, sustainability is a prominent trend in the hospitality industry, which will drive significant investments in the coming years,” noted Rittri. “Bluewater is well-positioned with its extensive range of sustainability-focused water purification and beverage products and solutions, tailored to meet the evolving demands of the modern hotel industry, to help individual hotels and chains adopt more sustainable practices in all aspects of their operations.

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