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Terra Firma Energy Unveils Wingrave Transitional Fuel Project, Boosting Reliable Power Generation

Leading UK independent power producer (IPP), Terra Firma Energy, is excited to announce the acquisition of land and development rights for the Wingrave project. This innovative transitional fuel power plant aims to deliver dependable and flexible electricity supply to the grid.

The Wingrave project aligns with Terra Firma Energy’s strategy of expanding its portfolio of power generation assets across the United Kingdom. This comes on the heels of the successful completion of the St Helens project and reaching the 50% completion milestone for the Wrexham project.

Situated on farmland at Thistlebrook Farm, near Aylesbury and Leighton Buzzard, the selected site minimizes environmental impact, surrounded by farmland and solar power parks, and conveniently located near gas and grid connections. With a generation capacity of 50 megawatts, the plant is expected to power over 25,000 homes annually for the next seven years through a power purchase agreement with EDF.

The Wingrave project will feature hydrogen-compatible turbines, addressing the growing challenges faced by the UK energy market. The market experiences increased volatility and vulnerability due to the reliance on weather-driven renewable energy sources and the phased decommissioning of coal and nuclear plants. Terra Firma Energy’s gas-fired power plants provide a scalable and on-demand solution to balance the grid, ensuring a secure supply for the country. Moreover, the project will benefit from the surging wholesale electricity prices, which have seen a remarkable 385% increase over the past three years.

Expressing his enthusiasm, William Davies, Managing Director of Terra Firma Energy, stated, “We are thrilled to unveil the Wingrave project as another milestone in our growth strategy. Our commitment lies in providing essential and flexible power generation to the UK grid while generating value for our shareholders and stakeholders. We have initiated the development process for the project, which will create employment opportunities and economic benefits for the local community.”

The Wingrave project’s development phase is projected to span 18 months, with operations scheduled to commence in the first quarter of 2025. Terra Firma Energy will work closely with local authorities and residents to ensure compliance with all planning and environmental requirements.

For more information about Terra Firma Energy and its projects, please visit:

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