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Edwards Lifesciences’ European Bus Tour Trains Surgeons on Latest Heart-Valve Techniques

Edwards Lifesciences, a renowned medical technology company, is embarking on a European bus tour aimed at training surgeons on the latest advancements in heart-valve surgery. This innovative promotional initiative involves the conversion of one of their buses into a cutting-edge training facility, carried out by Roadshow Promotions, experts in bespoke vehicle conversions and promotional tours.

The specially equipped single-decker event buses will travel to hospitals across Europe, delivering hands-on training to surgeons and medical professionals on the latest techniques and products in heart-valve surgery. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and training materials, the buses will visit countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. This tour reinforces Edwards Lifesciences’ commitment to innovation and education within the field of cardiovascular medicine.

The European tour plays a crucial role in educating and training hundreds of surgeons on technologies that enable less invasive surgery for critically ill patients. Edwards Lifesciences’ medtech products are designed to enhance the lives of patients by helping them live longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Roadshow Promotions, with over 20 years of experience in vehicle conversions and promotional bus tours, collaborated closely with Edwards Lifesciences to plan the multi-country tour and design and construct the state-of-the-art training facilities on wheels. The buses feature various training stations, including a fully equipped operating room, and a demonstration area for product displays and presentations.

Natasha Greenley, Director of Roadshow Promotions, expressed pride in being chosen once again by Edwards Lifesciences to showcase their cutting-edge products. Greenley stated, “Our team worked closely with Edwards to ensure that the buses provided a unique and immersive training experience for medical professionals.”

This promotional bus tour is just one of the many initiatives undertaken by Edwards Lifesciences to support the training and development of medical professionals in the cardiovascular medicine field. The company remains at the forefront of medical technology in the cardiovascular space, committed to advancing the field through research, education, and innovation.

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