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UK Space Agency Accelerator Explore Programme Invites Applications for Second Round of Extraordinary Submissions

Visionary individuals urged to submit applications to the UK Space Agency Accelerator Explore programme.

The Explore programme of the UK Space Agency Accelerator is commencing its eagerly awaited second round of applications today, on the 21st of June. This exceptional programme offers unparalleled support to space innovators and operates in collaboration with the UK Space Agency, Entrepreneurial Spark, and Exotopic.

Having successfully completed its initial round, the Explore programme provided valuable assistance to a dynamic group of entrepreneurs encompassing diverse domains such as STEM education, sustainability, data analytics, AI, satellite technology, and rocket hardware development. This propelled their startup ventures to unprecedented levels of accomplishment. Now, the programme beckons the subsequent cohort of ambitious and visionary space pioneers, hailing from all walks of life, to embark on a mission that thrives on fostering innovation, stimulating economic growth, and promoting sustainable practices in space exploration.

Ashley Johnson, the founder and CEO of Applied Atomics, a UK-based space enterprise dedicated to harnessing sustainable atomic technology, participated in the inaugural Explore cohort in 2023.

Ashley expressed, “The accelerator journey has been an incredible odyssey from inception to culmination. Our experience not only enabled us to achieve our intended objectives but also ignited a new level of exploration and inspiration that propelled our rapid business growth. Collaborating with our assigned technical enablers, who adeptly balanced both technical expertise and business acumen throughout the programme, was a privilege.”

The second iteration of the Explore programme aims to offer 30 highly sought-after fully funded positions to selected participants, making it an ideal opportunity for those venturing into the commercial space industry for the first time. The programme targets entrepreneurs who possess either existing space-related expertise and aspire to build businesses based on it, or individuals from other sectors such as aerospace, law, quantum technology, farming, environmental engineering, or healthcare, who harbor ideas with potential applications in the space domain.

Portia Bircher, the Local Growth Manager at the UK Space Agency, stated, “The space sector presents genuine prospects, and the UK Space Agency Accelerator extends support to diverse ideas and talents, fostering their growth potential. What sets the Space Accelerator apart is its access to experts who strive to stimulate business expansion among our cohorts by cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset. This approach, combined with a focus on commercialisation and nurturing sustainable enterprises, ensures that the space sector can generate secure, long-term employment and foster economic growth nationwide.

“The Explore programme represents just one facet of the offerings within the UK Space Agency Accelerator and is specifically tailored for early-stage innovators. Our collaboration with universities plays a crucial role, as the Explore Programme serves as a pathway for students to enter the sector and facilitates vibrant knowledge exchange for businesses. Central to our approach is building a community that unites our cohorts with programme alumni, existing and emerging clusters of space-related activities, thereby creating critical mass that also benefits adjacent sectors of the economy.”

Equipped with a comprehensive support system designed to expedite their entrepreneurial journeys, participants in the Explore programme will receive mentorship from seasoned industry experts, gain access to an extensive network of partners, and receive tailored resources and training to address their unique challenges. This programme stands out by virtue of its distinctive focus on nurturing entrepreneurial mindsets and cultivating a growth-oriented attitude, both of which are pivotal to achieving business success. Additionally, the Explore programme includes components that foster personal growth, enabling entrepreneurs to develop a diverse skill set and become credible and capable business leaders, while instilling unwavering confidence and focus on their goals.

Entrepreneurs interested in applying for the Explore programme can submit their applications through the official programme website at The application process will remain open until the 25th of August, and successful applicants will commence the programme on the 25th of September.

For further information about the UK Space Agency Accelerator and to submit an application, please visit

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