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What Makes a Great Office Space?

With many changes in the way people work, the need for office space has vastly changed. A lot more people are working remotely. So, the need for having a regular office is not imperative like in the past.

However, offices are still needed. A serviced office is excellent when you need a professional working space. Where you not only work but also host meetings. These types of offices are furnished and fully equipped workspaces that are managed by a management service. Space2B based in Cardiff have serviced office space. You get to choose how much space you want because there are different options available. You can get a desk with storage, one office space, a whole floor or a section of an office floor.

You also are not bound to pay for the office long term and can choose whether you will take the space for a week, a month or shorter or longer periods. The payment terms also tend to be flexible based on the length of time you will use the space.

Serviced Office Facilities

Different office spaces will have different facilities, but basic ones mostly include:

  • Private offices
  • Partitioned offices spaces
  • Entire floors available
  • Coworking space in an open floor plan type office
  • Boardrooms and meeting rooms
  • Shared spaces that include breakout space, such as a business lounge, WC, kitchen and printing areas
  • Some office spaces may come with a gym and library

Services offered include:

  • Office cleaning and maintenance
  • Security
  • A staffed receptionist desks

Some office spaces will have some of these, all of them, or even additional facilities and services.

Benefits of Serviced Offices

Cost Effective

One of the most significant advantages of this type of office space is that you only pay for the office space you will use. It is also a cheap and fast option for start-ups and newly established businesses because you do not have to purchase furniture, equipment, or functional infrastructure; all you have to do is move in. You also do not have to pay overheads, maintenance costs, cleaning costs, and other costs that come with leasing an office property; you only pay one cost, including the cost of services provided.

Flexible Lease

With an office that is serviced, you have the option for long term or short-term leases. You also have the option of different sized office spaces. When you are purchasing or leasing office space, your approval process and setting up can take time.

With shared office space, the approval is instant, and you can move in and start working as soon as you are ready. You also have an option to increase or decrease the space you lease based on your needs. For instance, if you hire more people, you can easily increase your leased space.


You save a lot of time when using a serviced office. Finding an ideal office space can take plenty of time because of finding the right location, the cost of setting up, and many other factors. However, with a ready to use office, there are many different options available which enable you to set up immediately.

Access to World-Class Facilities 

Shared office space has top-notch facilities and services maintained by the management service taking out the headache of maintaining and sourcing high-quality facilities and equipment. The offices are cleaned and sanitized appropriately, and you do not have to go through the process of hiring cleaners.

Provides A Professional Working Space

When meeting with a client or a business partner, an office space lends an air of professionalism, increasing your credibility with services such as a professional receptionist who can show your guests to the meeting area. It increases your status, especially to potential clients or business partners that you are looking to impress. You also have access to excellent facilities at a fraction of the cost.

Access to Top Locations

There are locations that you desire to set up your office in but may not be able to because of cost, availability, or other factors. A shared office makes this possible. You can get access to a prestigious office address or a convenient location.

Opportunities to Network

Shared office space will allow you to network with other professionals working in the same space. For start-ups and businesses setting up in a new location, this is a shortcut to getting leads on suppliers and forming new business partnerships.

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