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General Mills Celebrates Over 4.5 Millions Breakfasts Delivered To Children

Simon Clarke, Member of Parliament (MP) for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, and Jonathan Bennett, External Relations Director at General Mills, visit Lingdale Primary School for Breakfast Club

MIDDLESBROUGH 7th March 2023

For the past five years, General Mills has been proud to fund over 4.5 million breakfasts for the breakfast club programme across the UK.

This includes Lingdale Primary School, which is
one of 13 schools in Middlesbrough that run a breakfast club. Our sponsorship now extends
to over 70 schools across the country where the need is greatest. Working with our delivery
partner, the Greggs Foundation, we have seen the demand for breakfast clubs grow and so
have extended our sponsorship with new projects to be further developed in 2023.

Lingdale’s breakfast club regularly caters to 70 children each morning, providing these pupils with a nutritious start to their school day. Simon Clarke, MP, and Jonathan Bennett, External Relations Director at General Mills, visited Lingdale Primary School on 3rd March to see the club in operation. 

“We are all aware that food insecurity is a major issue in the UK. It is concerning to think that not every child in the country has access to breakfast. As a leading food company we feel it’s vital to do what we can to help,” said Jonathan Bennett. “We are all keen to play our part in reducing barriers to learning.  We know that hungry children find it harder to concentrate and learn so we want to make sure as many as possible are getting a breakfast before school to prepare them for the day ahead.”

Simon Clarke, Conservative MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, said: “It’s good to see companies like General Mills stepping in to help local communities during difficult economic times. Schools are doing fantastic work, but this additional support is greatly welcomed. It was clear to see just how much the children loved their breakfast and huge credit is due to all the teachers who support this initiative, led by headteacher Mrs Thornton.”

We’re delighted to have been working with the Greggs Foundation for the last five years to help deliver millions of breakfasts to schoolchildren throughout the UK. We look forward to continuing our support of this programme for years to come and helping to transform the lives of thousands of children across the country.

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