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Bristol is The Horror Capital of The UK

  • Bristolians watch more big screen horror films than anyone else in the country
  • Showcase Cinemas Insider Members can earn £5 in rewards, simply by watching the latest big screen horrors at their local cinema

Bristol has been declared the horror capital of the UK, as more people in the city watched horror films in the last 12 months than anywhere else in the UK.

Showcase Cinemas analysed footfall throughout 2022 to reveal that Showcase Cinema de Lux Bristol saw an 11.1% rise in visitors watching horror films compared to all other film genres.

Showcase Cinema de Lux Glasgow (7.9%), and Southampton (6.3%) also saw an increase in visitors, marking them out as horror hotspots.

The research comes as Showcase Cinemas is – literally – paying people to scream.

To celebrate a spooky set of releases coming up over the next few months, Insider members who watch any two or more horror films between now and May 4th will receive an extra £5 in rewards to use on a future visit.

As well as the UK’s number one film Scream VI, other horror titles such as Renfield and Evil Dead Rise release in April, meaning horror fans will be in their element.

What’s more, Showcase Cinemas has delved even deeper into the UK’s film favourites, revealing that Birmingham is home to the biggest population of horror lovers, with over a quarter (26%) of Brummies opting for horror as their number one film genre1.

At the opposite end of the scale, it appears Portsmouth is home to the biggest ‘scaredy-cats’ in the UK, with just 6% choosing horror as their favourite genre, less than any other area in the country.

Jon Dixon, UK Marketing Director for Showcase Cinemas said: “Horror has always been a huge hit at the cinema, as people love for their emotions to be pushed to the limits. There are some amazing horror films coming out this year, which is why we wanted to give something back to cinemagoers who suffer a scare or two.

“We’ll be offering any Insider members who watch any two or more horror releases until early May an extra £5 in rewards, which means they can put that money towards their ticket for another horror, or maybe save it for something else if they’ve had enough scares for a while!”

To claim the reward, guests will need to be an Insider member and watch at least two of the participating horror films before May 4th. Anyone who isn’t currently a member can sign up for free via the Showcase website. Insider members receive exclusive discounts, earn rewards on all transactions, and get access to members only advanced screenings.

To book tickets to Showcase Cinemas and for further information on the offer, please visit the website here:


  1. BIRMINGHAM (26%)
  2. CAMBRIDGE (25%)
  3. BRISTOL (24%)
  4. EDINBURGH (24%)
  5. COVENTRY (23%)
  6. LEEDS (23%)
  7. LIVERPOOL (22%)
  8. YORK (21%)
  9. NEWCASTLE (20%)
  10. GLASGOW (18%)
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