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Instant International Payments across the Globe with Black Banx

Black Banx, the new Crypto Bank, announced in 2015 the release of instant international payments. This was great news for businesses and consumers across the globe who want to send and receive money quickly and easily. Black Banx is founded by German billionaire Michael Gastauer, a world-renowned entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in the banking and finance industry. He is committed to providing innovative financial solutions that make life easier for everyone. Black Banx provides cross border transfers in multi currencies in seconds.

There are no hidden fees or charges, and you can even earn rewards for using the Black Banx service. Black Banx is changing the way we send and receive money, making it faster, easier and more affordable than ever before.

What Services Does Black Banx offer?

  •  Private and business accounts in 28 FIAT currencies as well as 2 crypto options.
  • International payments can be made in 28 different FIAT currencies and 2 crypto currencies, using local instant settlement systems where possible (e.g. FPS, SEPA instant credit, etc.)
  • Metal or plastic debit cards that lets you hold and manage multiple currencies, plus, virtual cards for added security and convenience.
  • Currency exchange services 24/7
  • 24/7 online cryptocurrency trading service
  • Savings accounts with  interest bearing accounts in EURO, USD, GBP, JPY.
  • Batch Upload or API feature allows businesses to make a large number of payments quickly and easily.

What separates our cryptocurrency is that it gives users freedom by fusing together a dependable banking system with the perks of a crypto exchange. From our platform, clients can directly pay outside parties using their crypto funds.

Billionaire Founder Michael Gastauer, the Face behind Black Banx

Michael Gastauer is a German Entrepreneur and the Billionaire Founder of Black Banx. As a Venture Capital Investor and Philanthropist, he is an advocate for the FinTech revolution. He has been ranked among the top 100 most Influential people in Financial Technology globally.

Michael Gastauer is the CEO of Black Banx Group, a financial institution based in London with offices all over Europe, Asia, North and Latin America. In 06/2018, less than four years after it was founded, Black Banx Group was ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and reached a US$9.8 billion valuation. The current speculation is that if Black Bank Group were to be sold or taken public, it would have a US$50 billion valuation, which would make Gastauer and his family part of the 25 wealthiest people on earth according to Forbes Billionaire list (10/2022).

Michael Gastauer is also the Founder and Chairman of Gastauer Family Office, a single family office with double digit billions in assets. The company has a venture capital arm that invests in FinTech companies. Michael also serves as the Chairman of Gastauer Foundation a non profit organisation committed to financial inclusion for the 2.2 billion people who lack access to financial services.

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