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Todelli’s Ethical Pop-Up Deli in Notting Hill: Celebrating Food Diversity and Sustainability

Todelli, the UK’s planet-friendly marketplace, is excited to announce the opening of its Ethical Pop-Up Deli in Notting Hill this summer. From July 7th to 17th, located at the intersection of Kensington Park Road and Elgin Crescent, this pop-up store will captivate visitors with its vibrant celebration of food diversity and sustainability, showcasing a curated collection of over 300 sustainable brands available on Todelli’s online market store.

The Ethical Pop-Up Deli invites Londoners on a unique culinary journey, breaking free from rigid categorisations and judgmental attitudes towards different eating styles. Embracing the notion that ‘Food is Not Black and White,’ this campaign champions diverse dietary needs and preferences, encouraging individuals to embrace their own culinary paths.

“At Todelli, we firmly believe that mindful eating, diversity, and encouraging dialogue go hand in hand. It’s about being aware and making conscious choices throughout every step of the food journey. By shedding light on provenance, labour practices, sustainable packaging, and more, we strive to redefine the way we eat and experience food. This is what it truly means for food to not be black and white,” stated Hara Mihailidou, founder of Todelli.

Join them at the Ethical Pop-Up Deli in Notting Hill for a series of engaging chef cooking demonstrations, exclusive cookbook announcements, and tantalising tastings and workshops. Immerse yourself in the world of the most innovative, ethical, and sustainable food and drink brands that are making a positive impact today. Discover the full lineup of events on their website.

Additionally, the pop-up will offer complimentary tasting sessions featuring a different selection of food and drink makers each day. This presents a fantastic opportunity to get to know the passionate individuals behind the products, delve into their inspiring stories, and discover new favorites that align with your values.

Become part of the movement by following the ‘Food is Not Black and White‘ campaign and getting creative as you raise awareness about this important message. Share your experiences, insights, and recipes on social media using the hashtag #FoodIsNotBlackAndWhite.

Together, let’s shape a more inclusive, sustainable, and flavorful future. Join us at the Ethical Pop-Up Deli to celebrate the diversity, freedom, and joy of food. Let’s embrace culinary exploration, challenge stereotypes, and cultivate a mindful relationship with what we eat.

For more information and updates, please visit or follow Todelli on social media @todellisocial.

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