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Rave Coffee’s New Headquarters: Embarking on a Coffee Revolution

Rave Coffee, an influential player in the UK’s specialty coffee scene, is excited to announce the opening of its new headquarters in the charming market town of Cirencester.

This relocation signifies more than just a change of location – it represents a significant milestone in Rave Coffee’s journey, a testament to its growth, and a reflection of its unwavering commitment to delivering the finest quality coffee to its customers.

Nestled in the heart of Cirencester, Rave Coffee’s new headquarters blends contemporary design with functionality, creating an atmosphere that breathes life into the art of coffee craftsmanship. This state-of-the-art facility encompasses a roastery, a café, and a shop, providing a one-of-a-kind and immersive experience for coffee enthusiasts.

At the core of the operation lies the roastery, where the alchemy of turning raw, green coffee beans into exquisitely roasted coffee takes place. On the other hand, the café serves as a space for customers to explore the diverse flavours and aromas of various coffee varieties, while also learning about the intricate journey of coffee from farm to cup. The shop offers visitors the opportunity to take a slice of the Rave Coffee experience home with them, as it features a range of coffee beans, brewing equipment, and merchandise.

The story of Rave Coffee’s journey to its new headquarters is one of passion, determination, and a deep love for coffee. Co-founders Rob and Vikki Hodge embarked on a transformative adventure, taking them from the corporate world in the UK to the vibrant coffee scene in Australia, and eventually back to the UK to establish Rave Coffee. Their decision was driven by a fascination with the coffee production process and a genuine desire to deliver exceptional coffee.

The new headquarters in Cirencester stands as a testament to their vision and the culmination of their journey – a space where their passion for coffee can thrive and inspire others. Rave Coffee’s team meticulously sources beans from across the globe, prioritising flavour and quality. This unwavering dedication ensures that every cup of Rave Coffee delivers a distinct and pleasurable experience, resulting in a loyal customer base and a reputation for excellence within the coffee industry. The new headquarters embodies this spirit and offers a glimpse into the promising future ahead.

Rave Coffee warmly welcomes all coffee aficionados to visit their new headquarters and experience the devotion that goes into every cup of their coffee. For further information about Rave Coffee and its new headquarters, please visit

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