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From Lattes to Espressos: tastecard’s Breakdown of the Nation’s Caffeine Cravings

Here at tastecard, we share a love for a good cup of Joe just like the next person. However, our curiosity got the best of us, prompting us to explore a burning question: what caffeinated delights do you cherish and, more importantly, how much money do you save while savoring them? We’ve delved into the caffeine habits of the UK to unveil which cities are truly buzzing with coffee enthusiasm and which coffee concoctions are getting everyone out of bed in the morning.

And The Most Caffeinated City Is…

Our data analysis has crowned London as the reigning champion, with an astounding 97,270 monthly searches for coffee. Following closely behind are Edinburgh (20,290), Manchester (15,000), and Birmingham (11,810). On the other end of the spectrum, Southwark seems to be in need of a caffeine kick, registering only 700 monthly searches for coffee, with 5,600 for the entire year of 2023.

Top 5 Most Caffeinated Cities of 2023:

  1. London – 778,160 total searches
  2. Edinburgh – 162,320 total searches
  3. Manchester – 120,000 total searches
  4. Birmingham – 118,080 total searches
  5. York – 112,000 total searches

The Nation’s Favourite Coffee?

When it comes to coffee types, the humble Americano takes center stage with a staggering 1,350,960 average searches in 2023. It is closely followed by the Flat White (216,800), Cappuccino (177,600), and the exotic Chai Latte (177,600).

Top 3 Coffee Types of 2023:

  1. Americano – 1,350,960 total searches
  2. Flat White – 216,800 total searches
  3. Cappuccino – 177,600 total searches

What’s Brewing in the Coffee Scene?

Our data also sheds light on the nation’s preferred coffee purchases within tastecard’s audience. The Latte Regular takes the lead with 22.3k units sold, followed by Cappuccino Regular (14.6k units sold), Flat White (13.9k units sold), and Americano Regular (13.1k units sold).

Top 3 Coffee Purchases:

  1. Latte Regular – 22.3k units sold
  2. Cappuccino Regular – 14.6k units sold
  3. Flat White – 13.9k units sold

Are You Ready To Get in on the Caffeine Buzz?

We trust our caffeine exploration has opened your eyes to the exciting world of coffee in the UK. Whether you’re an Americano enthusiast in London or a Latte lover in Oxford, one thing is clear: the UK is a rich tapestry of coffee aficionados.

But perhaps the most crucial fact of all is the 25% savings you can enjoy on barista-made drinks with tastecard. This means that non-tastecard members are missing out on savings worth £117.

Notes: These savings are based on using tastecard’s 25% discount on barista-made drinks, calculated using the average coffee price, multiplied by three times a week.

Join tastecard today to sip and save on your favorite drinks while participating in the grand tradition of coffee across the nation!

*Savings are based on the national average price for a cup of coffee at £3.25, with the average user purchasing coffee three times a week.

Location | Coffee (total search volume over 2023)
London | 778,160
Edinburgh | 162,320
Soho | 128,080
Manchester | 120,000
Glasgow | 118,080
York | 112,000
Birmingham | 94,480
Oxford | 88,720
Brighton | 78,720
Bath | 76,240
Cardiff | 76,000
Bristol | 74,960
Cambridge | 72,240
Covent Garden | 70,560
Leeds | 64,160
Reading | 63,200
Liverpool | 56,960
Newcastle | 53,360
Sheffield | 46,240
Nottingham | 40,480
Camden | 40,240
Aberdeen | 39,360
Leicester | 36,480
Wandsworth | 32,960
Chester | 32,720
Milton Keynes | 31,520
Norwich | 30,640
Southampton | 26,080
Hackney | 23,760
Plymouth | 22,960
Hull | 21,600
Dundee | 20,880
Greenwich | 19,040
Bournemouth | 18,880
Derby | 18,240
Swansea | 17,120
Coventry | 13,680
Bradford | 11,920
Bolton | 10,800
Blackpool | 7,600
Southwark | 5,600

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