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Crowning questions: answering 7 important questions about dental crowns

If you’ve never received a dental crown and don’t know much about it then it’s perfectly normal to have a few questions for your dentist. After all, we all get a little irked about heading to the dentist, even if it’s just for a routine checkup!

But it’s important to know that receiving the best dental crown Melbourne has is a fairly routine treatment and one you needn’t get stressed out about. This treatment simply is not one that comes with a high degree of pain, especially as you can trust your teeth will be anaesthetised throughout the procedure.

We have answered this – and a few other important questions you may have – below, so that you can feel a lot more comfortable with this incredibly common procedure:

  • What does the procedure entail?

This procedure includes fitting your existing tooth with a hollow false tooth that has been specifically produced once it has been shaped and trimmed. The solution is designed to place a cap and cover over the damaged tooth, creating a reinvigorated tooth that is designed to last the test of time!

  • Will it hurt?

As aforementioned, this treatment doesn’t hurt, so relax! You will receive an anaesthetic for the treatment to ensure you don’t feel any pain or discomfort as your tooth is formed to make way for the solution.

  • Is this a cosmetic dentistry treatment?

This treatment is typically used for restorative dentistry, but can occasionally be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, a misshapen tooth may not be treatable with veneers or bonding, and may therefore require this solution to cover up its misshapen aspect.

  • Will it take a long time to recover from the treatment?

Another fantastic thing about this treatment is that you won’t have your schedule thrown out after treatment. The treatment doesn’t cause any serious pain, allowing you to get right back into your daily routine without having to adjust your schedule or take any days off work (should you want to get straight back in on the same day!).

  • Will my solution last a long time?

Porcelain solutions are designed and produced to last at least 15 years when caring for the teeth in the correct way (regular brushing and flossing, of course!). The porcelain ceramics used for the end product are incredibly tough and durable as they are designed to replicate your teeth enamel so you can be sure they will last you for years to come.

  • Who typically needs this treatment?

This treatment is required to repair teeth that have experienced too much decay to treat with alternative methods like fillings. They are also used to correct cracked or or broken teeth, as well as teeth that become infected after root canal. You can find out if the best dental crown Melbourne has available is right for you via consultation with your dentist.

  • How do I care for my new solution?

There is nothing to it, really! Just the usual oral hygiene steps you would usually follow to care for your regular teeth, including brushing twice daily and also the routine flossing treatment. What’s more, you may want to see your dentist a few months after the treatment, just to ensure that the solution is working the way that it should and to receive a routine cleaning.

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