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Landmark Conviction in Crete Rape Case Achieved by London Solicitors

Fidlaw, an esteemed legal firm specialising in international cases, successfully represented an 18-year-old British tourist who underwent a traumatic experience in July 2022 on the Greek island of Crete.

The culprits, two individuals of Pakistani origin, have been found guilty of the heinous crimes of gang rape and physical assault. The trial, which took place at the Court House in Rethymno, Igoumenou Gavriil 111, Rethymno 741 00, Greece, concluded on 21 June 2023 with the defendants receiving the maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The decision was reached unanimously by the panel of judges and the jury.

This groundbreaking conviction signifies a remarkable stride towards justice for the survivor and serves as a testament to Fidlaw’s steadfast dedication to championing the rights of victims of atrocious offenses.

The firm’s devoted legal team, comprising Solicitors Francesco Meduri and Elena Hadjikyriakou, along with Anna Perdikaris and Emmanouil Xenikos, lawyers based in Greece, fought relentlessly to ensure that the voices of survivors are not silenced and that justice ultimately prevails.

In addition to the charges of gang rape and physical assault, the defendants were also accused of violating immigration laws and unlawfully entering Greece. The legal proceedings uncovered a prior history of criminal conduct by one of the perpetrators, further emphasising the importance of accountability and the potential application of civil liability to the state.

With its extensive knowledge of international law, Fidlaw has been at the forefront of this groundbreaking case. The firm’s diligent endeavors have not only resulted in a fair outcome for the survivor but have also sent a resolute message that wrongdoers will be held answerable, irrespective of their nationality.

This conviction establishes a precedent, instilling hope in survivors and contributing to the creation of a safer and more equitable society.

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