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Two Thirds of Brits to Enjoy A Boost in Their Mood When The Clocks Go Forward

  • Brighter mornings and evenings expected to improve wellbeing, research finds 
  • More than half the nation does not know when the clocks go forward
  • Silentnight study reveals how daylight savings time affects mood and sleep patterns 

Brighter mornings and evenings brought on by daylight savings time when the clocks go forward will see more than two thirds of Brits enjoy a boost in their mood, according to new research.

The study, from the UK’s most trusted sleep brand, Silentnight, found 67% of the nation feel happier and more content when the clocks go forward on the last Sunday of March (26th), thanks to the increase in daylight hours it creates.

However, the research also found that Spring daylight savings time temporarily results in disrupted sleep for around a third (34%) of the nation, as we lose an hour of sleep due to the clocks going forward at 1am. 

According to the study, a surprising number of Brits don’t even know when the clocks change each year, with nearly three in five (59%) admitting that they couldn’t name the date.

Following the change, it takes two in five (40%) Brits three to four days for their sleep routine to return to normal. Despite this, 44% of people say they are unlikely to purposefully go to sleep earlier the night before the clocks go forward to make up for losing an hour of sleep.  

The data revealed that the mood-boosting benefit of British Summer Time is experienced by people of all ages and gender, with men, women and each age demographic reporting positive results.

However, when it comes to negative effects, 35- to 44-year-olds are the most affected, with two in five (40%) saying their sleep is most disrupted, closely followed by 18 to 24 year olds, at 37%.

According to experts at Silentnight, people aged 18 to 24 are most likely to go to bed earlier to counteract the loss of sleep (56%), with only 16% of 55- to 64-year-olds saying they do the same.

Hannah Shore, Sleep Expert at Silentnight, said: “Our research shows that daylight savings time has both positive and negative effects on the nation’s sleep and wellbeing, so it’s important for us to manage the seasonal change successfully. 

“Everyone loves brighter mornings and evenings, which allow us to spend more time outdoors, however, losing an hour of sleep at the end of March can cause some disruption to our sleep. 

“Sleeping patterns are controlled by our circadian rhythm, which intuitively tells our brains and our bodies when it’s time to wake up and go to sleep. A change in light exposure brought on by daylight savings time, resulting in earlier sunrises and later sunsets, can cause problems.

“The good news is that there are a number of simple tips and tricks that you can integrate into your daily and night-time routines that will help prevent unwanted disrupted sleep”

Hannah’s top three tips…


As clocks change, so does the time at which the sun rises and sets, with the sun starting to rise before 6am from the end of March onwards. While natural light is good for waking up, lighter mornings brought on by the clock change can result in us waking up earlier than we want to.

However, there are a few handy hacks to prevent pesky early morning disruption. Invest in an eye mask, black out blinds or curtains, which block out the sunlight and have the added bonus of keeping the room cool during the summer months. 


There’s a temptation when the clocks go forward to make up for the lost hour’s sleep by having a lie in the following morning. While this can help recharge your batteries, try and avoid changing your sleep pattern too much.

So, stick as closely as possible to your weekday sleep schedule to ensure that your internal timings aren’t too disrupted. 


One simple way to avoid the pitfalls of daylight savings time is to set your alarm clock, household clocks and watch to the new time before hitting the hay. That way, you’ll wake up in the morning ready and raring to take on the day. 

You’ll also manage to successfully avoid any embarrassing timing mishaps the next day!

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