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The ‘Curvy’ Model Ashley Graham, Totally Naked And Pregnant On Instagram

American Ashley Graham is the  world’s most famous curvy or plus size model . A few weeks ago she announced that she was going to be the mother of twins, and now she has surprised her followers on Instagram.

In a story  published this Friday, Ashley Graham was completely naked, covering her breasts with her arm and hand, and with her voluminous belly exposed.

Ashley Graham, naked and pregnant.
Ashley Graham, naked and pregnant.

In a later ‘story’, the model revealed that she is reading a book to prepare for motherhood. It’s about  Multiple Mother: Breastfeeding and Care of Twins or More!

The twins will accompany the model’s first child,  Isaac Menelik , who was born on January 18, 2020, as a result of marriage to her husband, filmmaker Justin Ervin.

Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, Ashley Graham started modeling when she was 12 years old. In 2015, she became the first plus-size model to appear in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit special  and the following year, the first to make the cover of the special issue.

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