On Saturday, it is announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that England is going to face new lockdown. He said that due to the current alarming situation, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible.
In the U.K. the number of coronavirus reaches one million. So lockdown will provide the only viable solution to avoid further cases.
Johnson, British Prime Minister, said that restriction on bossiness and other daily life would be made. He said that conditions would be started from Thursday and continues until 2 December 2020.
On a news conference on television, he said that a responsible prime minister could not ignore such a dire condition. So lockdown will significantly help in the reduction of new coronavirus cases.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that we have to act immediately to prevent further spread of coronavirus, as a treatment for coronavirus is still not available.
Thus it could be fatal for human beings, as the virus can be spread from one person to another by aerosol. He said that during the lockdown, people would be restricted to their houses. Nonessential shops and markets must be close.
People could only be allowed to go outside from house only by short lists of reasons.
This time in the U.K., manufacturing businesses, construction sites, and universities should remain to be open.
However, in the previous lockdown all the manufacturing businesses, construction site and schools were close down.
In comparison with other European countries, the cases of coronavirus increase at a higher level when relaxation takes place in lockdown.
In summer, when people again move towards their workplace, social life, school and universities, the cases of coronavirus increased to a great extent.
The earlier steps that are taken for reducing the number of coronavirus cases will help reduce the number of new possibilities. By the first week of December, the number of new cases of coronavirus will reach higher said by government scientific advisers.
He said that those temporary hospitals that are made during the first wave of coronavirus would be again reopened, as there will be a rise in the number of new cases.
Scientists warned the Johnson that he must take necessary steps, as there is a chance of increase of new cases.
The second lockdown is faced by the European countries such as Germany, Belgium and France as there is a rise in the number of new cases in these countries.
On Saturday, the government’s scientific advisory group told that there would be a massive increase in the number of new cases of the virus. So the government must be prepared for the upcoming alarming condition.
On Saturday, it is announced by the Officials that within 24 hours, England records 21915 new cases of coronavirus. And the total death rates in England reached 46555, which is the highest number of death in Europe.
On Saturday, the number of death rate was 326. According to the Johns Hopkins University, United State, Brazil, Spain, Argentinian, India and Colombia also recorded to more than one million reports of coronavirus
However, the total number of cases must be much higher than recorded because most people do not test for the virus.