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For burning Black churches, Louisiana man sentenced to 25 years in prison

On Monday, Louisiana man has sentenced to 25 years in prison due to the burning of the holy place of the church.

Federal prosecutors declared that the man had burnt threes historical Black churches on Monday, for that he has sentenced to 25 years of a prisoner by the judge.

In 2019, in spring Holden Mathew had admitted that he had burnt the holy place, Baptist church on 23 February.

He said that he had burnt the holy place, church because he wanted to gain importance in the Black metal.

According to the statement of the Justice Department, he did this because he wants to make himself famous in the community of black metal. In heavy metal music, Black metal is described as extreme subgenera.

In the 1990s, Mathew burns the church. For more than 150 years this churched survive. In the statement by Assistant Attorney General Eric Drieband of the Justice Department’s civil right, haters burnt the church which persists for more than 150 years.

The Justice Department said that St. Mary Baptist Church was also burned by some haters. Justice Department also said that similar kind of burning is occurring of the Greater Union Baptist Church in Opelousas.

He said that haters had utterly destroyed the church for their hate for the churches. Federal prosecutors said that In the Civil War, that took place in the north of Lafayette, three churches were destroyed.

Due to the civil war, people had destroyed the churches. They are reconstructed after burning of the churches occurs in the Civil War.

The government said in his statement that Matthews, who damaged the churches, say that he is sorry for his act of violating the Church Arson Prevention Act and burning and damaging the churches.

On Monday, he was sentenced to 30 months in the jail on burning the holy place and violating the law.

He has also to pay 2.6 million dollars on burning the church that would be used to refund and used for the construction of the churches that got damaged.

On 26 March 2019 churches were set to fire by one of the men Matthews. He was arrested on 10 April 2019 for burning the churches and violating the law.

According to the plea agreement documents, he has done this to promote himself as a black metal musician.

Matthews made videos and take pictures, and then he shared the photo and video on Facebook. 

He made videos while burning the first two churches to make himself famous in the black metal musician.

On Pleasant Baptist Church, he lassoes burn that church after burning the previous two churches.

On Monday, the Advocate newspaper of the Bapton Rouge declared that Mathew was much sorry to his act of firing the churches.

He said that he has not the words to describe his sorry. He said that he is much ashamed on his act old and that he that upset his friend and family.

By burning the churches, he has sad his sisters and brothers who [ray in the church.

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