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Republican Lummis has won the open seat in Wyoming according to latest Senate

In 2020 elections, senate race has given the latest updates.

At 9: 05 p.m.

In Wyoming, a former congresswoman, Republican Cynthia Lummis has won the open seat.

The Lummis beat Meray Ben-David, University of Wyoming ecology professor.

In GOP-dominant state, Lummis was favored to win the seat over this state as Lummis has expanded more money and time as compared to another Democratic opponent.

In Wyoming politics, Lummis, a former state treasurer and state legislative have a great name from more than 30 years.

Previously she has stepped down from the politics after the death of his husband. SO he continues the business after his husband died.

At 9: 05 p.m.

Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse has beaten Democrat Chris Janicek, and Ben Sasses has been reelected.

A former university president, Sasse has got the advantage over Nebraska. Despite President Donald Trump criticism, Sasse has an advantage over the Republican. Last month, he said that President Donald Trump has mocked Christian and he flirted with white people.

On Twitter, President Donald Trump called the Sasse as the embarrassment and shame. 

At 9: 05 p.m.

In South Dakota, in the reelection, Sen. Mike Round has won the seat for Republican. A former state legislator, Dan Ahlers, a Democrat, was defeated by the ex-governor. Sen. Mike Round has won the elections despite the pandemic of the coronavirus.

As due to coronavirus, the economy of the American is greatly influenced. Treatment of the virus is still not present; thus, it is lethal for a human being.

At 9: p.m.

In Wyoming, the open seat is won by the Republican Cynthia Lummis Republicans has won the two more hearts in the reelection.

In the reelection, Sens. Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Mike Round of South Dakota of the Republicans have won the seat.

A former congresswoman, Cynthia Lummis of Republican has won the heart in Wyoming by defeating the Merav Ben-David, an ecology professor and climate activist.

At 8: 30 p.m.

Cotton, who is 43 years old, has won the election and he defeated the Ricky Dale Harrington, nominee by the Libertarian. Ricky Dale Harrington was the prison chaplain previously.

Cotton has spent millions of cash during the election campaign.

At 8: 15 p.m.

A retiring GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander has been defeated by Bill Hagerty which fought the election by the Republican. 1994, in Tennessee both the seat have been held by the Republicans. 

At 8: 15 p.m.

Delaware, Sen. Chris Coons from Democrats has won the elections by defeating the Lauren Witzel. Witzke is a political newcomer and conservative activities.

At 8: 15 p.m.

For the fifth time, Sen. Dick Durbin has been reelected by the Democrats. Durbin is a 75 years old politician. In 1996, Durbin was elected for the first time. 

AT 8: 15 p.m.

Edward Markey of Democrat has won the seat. For the third time, Kevin O’Connor has been easily defeated by the Marker. Marker is 74 years old politician. For decades, he has been represented in Washington. In 1976, he won the election. 

At 8: 15 p.m.

For the third time, Jeanee Shaheen from the New Hampshire Democrat has won the election. 

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