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Award-winning Leicester Recruiters set up ‘Donation Stations’ this Harvest Season

Encore Personnel, award-winning Leicester-headquartered recruitment agency, has gone the extra mile this Harvest season to support those in need within their local community. 

Celebrating 20 years in business this year, Encore employs more than 200 people and operates through 11 branches across the Midlands, all of which are supporting the company’s efforts to provide for those less fortunate as the cost of living squeeze continues. Each site has a ‘donation station’, where employees have been encouraged to donate anything from food goods to hygiene products. 

Cindy Gunn, Encore’s HR Director, said: “We know times are very tough at the moment, particularly for those struggling to pay their fuel bills. At Encore, we are dedicated to supporting our local communities through playing an integral role in the job market and also through CSR initiatives such as food bank collections.

“Our donation stations have offered us a great opportunity for everyone to come together and support our local food banks and supermarket donation sites. As we have so many branches across the Midlands, we are able to donate across a wide geographic area, hopefully making a real difference.”

Harvest Festival is an annual celebration marked across the world. In Britain, Harvest has been celebrated since Pagan times in either September or October. Originally, farmers would make loaves of bread with their new crops and offer them to the local church. In more recent years, the occasion is celebrated through hymns, praying and food donations, all of which are now part of the modern Harvest Festival.  

An Encore employee from the business’s Leicester branch said: “I love that our team are doing something to give back to the local community. The country is experiencing really difficult times, so it has been great to be part of something that can make a real difference.” 

While encouraging employees to donate where they can, Encore is supporting all employees with their online platform ‘Encore in Mind’. This exclusive online platform provides every employee with advice and guidance on how to navigate the current cost-of-living crisis. 

Cindy explains: “We are supporting our staff through the cost-of-living crisis through a range of internal initiatives, so it is even more rewarding to see our branches come together to give a little back where they can. While Harvest time represents new crops, it is also the perfect time to help local food banks restock their supplies. I am really impressed with the number of donations and feel really fortunate to work with such a great team.” 

Through blogs, access to online chat rooms and a 24/7 helpline employees are supported every step of the way. 

Cindy added: “Here at Encore we feel it is important we support our employees where possible and give them the tools to best equip them for the current economic difficulties.”

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