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Research finds ‘Nic’s Keto Healthy Fatty Diet’ improves cardiovascular health markers and reduces cholesterol

A clinical study finds people eating ‘Nic’s Keto Diet‘ reduce their body weight while improving their cardiovascular health markers.

Prof. Nikolaos Tzenios PhD has devised a keto diet to help dieters improve their cardiovascular health markers and reduce body weight and harmful cholesterol. TRC Gen+ announces that a clinical study has now shown that the diet successfully achieved its aims for the study participants.

KGK Science, Canada, carried out high-quality open-label clinical research to assess the effectiveness of Nics Keto Diet.

The study assessed the diet’s effect on study participants who were of both sexes and in a generally good condition with mildly elevated LDL cholesterol. The study took place over 20 weeks.

Over 20 weeks, the study found that participants’ body fat percentage reduced by a weighty 4.41%. Furthermore, on average, they reduced their weight by 8.55kg.

At the five-month assessment point, the study observed a compelling reduction of LDL and total cholesterol in the participants. In addition, tests demonstrated that beneficial HDL cholesterol increased while blood sugar levels dropped considerably.

The study has shown ‘Nic’s Keto Diet’ to benefit the health of people eating this diet. Namely, their health markers of cardiovascular health, their weight and their cholesterol.

As a member of many significant and trusted professional bodies, Professor Nikolaos Tzenios is a Fellow of The Royal Society for Public Health (UK), Associate ACADEMICIAN of the International Academy of Social Sciences, Member of The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Professor of Public Health, Member of the Royal Society of Biology, Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Postgraduate student at Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program, Member of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine, and the Department of Postgraduate Medical Education, Harvard Medical School.

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