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TikTok Presents Its Tool, Brand Lift Study

TikTok , the leading short-form mobile video platform, where users enjoy interacting with brands they like creatively, and which allows advertisers to take advantage of its unique format and reach to connect with communities, has unveiled Brand Lift Study , a new measurement solution for brands to understand and measure the impact their campaigns have on different brand objectives, such as knowledge, attitudes, preference and intention.

This announcement reaffirms the company’s commitment to advertisers. In this way, the social network continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs of the brands that trust the platform, ensuring that they can access relevant data that shows value and drives sales on and off the platform.

In this sense, TikTok Brand Lift Study (BLS) is a measurement solution created by the platform for advertisers. Brands play an important role in the experience of the platform and to ensure the optimization of resources, TikTok BLS will help by providing insights to advertisers with practical data to change, improve and segment resources and drive efforts towards more impactful campaigns.

The TikTok community has great creative power, both to spark viral trends and to increase demand for products. That’s why TikTok BLS provides brands with a new approach to measuring and optimizing brand impact.

Pioneering brands in knowing the value of TikTok Brand Lift Study
In Spain, El Corte Inglés has pioneered the use of this tool, to learn about the performance of its successful Christmas campaign, a Hashtag Challenge, which attracted the TikTok community to dance in the footsteps of the best-known elf of the season .

In this campaign, the engagement rate exceeded 13%, and the increase in recall among users reached 15.9% (data obtained through a Brand Lift Study), which shows the ability of El Corte Inglés to retain community attention on TikTok during this campaign.

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