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Youth Use Television For News, Platforms To Watch Series And YouTube For Entertainment

The Ikusiker audiovisual Observatory has analyzed the audiovisual consumption of youth in the Basque Autonomous Community and Navarra with a panel made up of almost 3,000 students between 11 and 23 years old. This research project is part of the “Applika +” program promoted by UPV / EHU, EITB, Tabakalera and the Basque Observatory of Culture to deepen, among other things, knowledge about audiovisual habits and formats among young people.

According to the study, youth between 11 and 23 years using mainly the television for news, the streaming platforms for series and movies and YouTube for entertainment. In addition, they consume “traditional” television.

Instagram is the social network that they use the most and the profiles with controversial, funny and current content and of activist and feminist women are the accounts that are followed the most. @ceciarmy, @cabronazi and @ 433 are some of the accounts that young people from the CAV and Navarra follow the most on Instagram.

Aritz Aduriz, Iñaki Williams, Itziar Ituño, Izaro, Aitziber Garmendia and Toti Martinez de Lezea are some of the names that have appeared as references.

This is revealed by the study carried out among almost 3,000 young people of that age group, high school and university students in Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra.

During the months of September 2020 to June 2021, Ikusiker asked the students of various university faculties and secondary schools in the Basque Autonomous Community and the Navarra Community for their consumption of audiovisual products.

The results indicate that among university students, 70.9% acknowledge that they watch the news on traditional television, the majority (62.6%) use streaming platforms for fiction and YouTube to consume entertainment content (43.3 %). As for high school students, the majority (45%) use the mobile phone to consume audiovisual content and 24% name YouTube for it.

Instagram the first and curious about what others do
The most widely used social network is Instagram and most have a private account. This social network is used above all for social relationships and to see what others do. As for the content they upload to Instagram, in most cases they upload content that they have in the gallery, where the central element is the same person who uploads it.

In the case of Twitter and Tiktok, the attitude is different, in these social networks they upload content that they create at the moment and usually they are “funny” things.

It should be noted that the language used in all networks is Spanish.

In the case of high school students, we see that the majority (90%) have an Instagram account and use it above all, for social relationships and spending time. They mainly use stories and believe that there is a lot of posturing on Instagram (47%) and that since the pandemic they use it more (36%).

Humor wins in college, sports in high school
The accounts that young university students follow the most are profiles with current, controversial and funny content , among those accounts are @ceciarmy, @cabronazi and @ 433. In addition, they also follow accounts of women activists and feminists such as @ineshernan and @trimadredeprincesas.

The success of the program “The Conqueror of the End of the World” is also reflected and is another of the Instagram accounts that has been named the most. As for sport, the Athletic Club account has been named many times. Finally, the profiles of youtuber and gamers such as @ibaillanos, @telmotrenado and @jorgecyrus are repeated.

In the case of institutes, we have seen that the accounts that are most followed are profiles of athletes.

The IKUSIKER panel is made up of two groups. On the one hand, there are young university students between 18 and 23 years old and, on the other hand, there are high school students between 12 and 18 years old.

The university students are students from the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and the Public University of Navarra (UPNA). The high school students are from Larramendi Ikastola (Mungia) and Solokoetxe BHI (Bilbo) in Bizkaia; Eibar BHI and Santo Tomas Lizeoa (Donostia) in Gipuzkoa; Biurdana BHI (Iruñean) and Garcés de los Fayos (Tafallan) in Navarra and Mendebaldea BHI (Gasteizen) in Álava.

In order to carry out the investigation, two procedures have been followed depending on the panelists to whom they were addressed,

In the case of university students, each month they have received a message on WhatsApp with a link that took them to and where they could answer the questionnaire.

In the case of schools, ikastolas and institutes, they have contacted the heads of the schools and sent them a questionnaire for each school. In that case also the young people had to enter and take the survey.

Once the surveys were carried out, the IKUSIKER Audiovisual Observatory has analyzed the responses.

From September 2020 to June 2021, the IKUSIKER audiovisual observatory has carried out six studies and these are the topics that have been analyzed:

  1. General audiovisual consumption (devices used, platforms used, time spent on audiovisual products…).
  2. The use of social networks (Instagram, YouTube, Twich, Twitter and TikTok).
  3. The consumption of series and television programs.
  4. What they create and share on social media (on Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and TikTok).
  5. The referents in various fields (music, politics, culture, sport …).

All the answers are on the IKUSIKER website .

The objective of this project is to continue with the research and, as they do in other provinces or countries, to be able to know and share the results with society.

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