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Google Must Pay $15 Billion To Apple To Remain Default Search Engine In Safari

Google must pay $ 15 billion to Apple to remain the default search engine in Safari. According to analysts at Bernstein, the company continues to pay to maintain the agreement to prevent Microsoft from rising as the default search engine. Search Atlas, the platform that shows how Google changes its results depending on the country in which you search.

Google is so far the default search engine of the Apple Safari browser , which is already installed on all iPhone devices , iPad and computers. However, this year it will be more expensive for Google to keep it that way.

According to a published report by Bernstein analysts, Google will have to pay Apple a figure that could reach $ 15 billion in 2021. This figure is 50% more than last year, since at that time they paid 10 billion for said agreement.

In addition, Bernstein experts have added an estimate for 2022 and it would possibly continue to increase considerably, with a figure between 18,000 and 20,000 million.

To calculate these figures, analysts have taken into account ” l as revelations of the public archives of Apple , as well as a bottom – up analysis of payments TAC (traffic acquisition costs) of Google “.

Toni Sacconaghi, one of the analysts who has prepared the report, explained that Google is likely ” paying to make sure that Microsoft does not outbid it .” However, Bernstein experts stress that the company may decide that the deal is not worth the money for that amount.

” We see two potential risks in Google payments to Apple,” they point out in the document. Regulatory risk, which we believe to be real, but which is probably in the offing; We see a potential 4-5% impact on Apple’s gross profit from an adverse judgment ; and that Google decides to stop paying Apple for being the default search engine, or seek to renegotiate the terms and pay less ”.

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