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WhatsApp Will Finally Allow You To Hide The Last Connection Time

This is one of the functions that users have demanded the most in recent times : after many requests, WhatsApp is preparing a new option that will make it possible for the first time to hide the last connection time only to the specific contacts that the user chooses.

This mode is more efficient than the standard.
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Thus, the messaging application improves and advances in its privacy settings, offering those who have the platform a more flexible and customizable option .

The current privacy settings of WhatsApp, which had not changed for several years, allow users to choose between three possibilities: share the last hour of connection with everyone, only with contacts or with no one .

According to the specialized portal WABetaInfo , the Facebook-owned company is now working on a fourth option for a development version for iOS, with which for the first time users will be able to choose ‘all my contacts except’ . Obviously, WhatsApp will introduce the feature on Android as well.

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With this novelty, users can choose that all their contacts see their last connection time by default and at the same time establish exceptions for certain contacts that the user chooses, without having to hide this information from everyone in the application .

In addition to the last connection time, the possibility to choose exceptions among the contacts will also be applied to display the profile image and the user description information.

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