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Influencers And Social Networks Will Be The Winners Of Advertising Investment During 2022

Is it too early to talk about 2022 and the companies’ plans? Not really. Companies cannot leave everything in the hands of short-termism and must prepare in advance for things. In terms of strategy, 2022 is just around the corner.

Just as companies must already be more than prepared for the future Christmas campaign (future to a certain degree, because they start shopping every year before), they must also have their advertising accounts prepared for next year.

The latest global study on advertising investment prepared by Kantar and collected by Warc addresses what marketers will focus their investments on and which channels will dominate companies’ advertising investment. What is clear is that the big winner in advertising budgets is the internet, which is not exactly a surprise.

During the last few years, there has been a constant growth in online advertising investment and digital budgets have been eating away from those of traditional channels. In fact, it is the latter that dominate the list of scenarios in which investment will be cut in the year ahead.

Returning to the positive figures, the ranking is led by online video ads. Growth in 2022 will be 76%. It is followed by branded content by influencers (71%), ads in stories on social networks (70%) and ads in social media feeds (68%). Warc is quite clear that YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, which precisely mix all these elements (videos, influencers, and social networks) will be the ones who get the most out of this trend.

The rising future of streaming ads
The data are of net growth of presence in budgets compared to the previous year, but some of those figures already send notable notices about who is called to have an important part of the market. The fifth fastest growing segment is TV commercials, but not just any TV commercial.

They are the ads served in streaming on smart TVs. They will go up 56%. Following this format come online display ads (55%), podcast ads (45%), outdoor ads on digital billboards (35%), products integrated into television shows (product placement, 24%), television advertisements (14%) and television program sponsorships (6%).

The falling media
On the opposite side are the channels that will decrease the most in 2022. The leader here is, unfortunately, newspaper advertising. The advertising decline will be 55%, followed by a 53% drop in magazine ads. Film ads (-20%), brand event sponsorships (-18%) and radio ads (-8%) will also fall. It matters little that consumers look favorably on newspapers when asked about the types of ads they value and appreciate. Audiences for paper media are dropping and advertisers are taking notice.

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