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Prince Harry says he tipped off Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of the Capitol robbery

Prince Harry warned Jack Dorsey , CEO of Twitter, of a possible “blow” to the Capitol days before it happened, according to what he himself told during his speech in the virtual conference ‘Re: Wired’ of Wired.

The grandson of Elizabeth II participated in this meeting that brings together technologists, scientists, artists, actors and members of royalty to talk about the methods and tools to build a better world.

Meghan Markle’s husband spoke as part of a panel on disinformation, moderated by Wired editor-in-chief Steven Levy, along with Renée DiResta, technical research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, and Rashad Robinson, co-chair of the Commission on Aspen Information Clutter. and president of Color Of Change.

At the meeting, Prince Harry said that he had warned the Twitter madam of a possible coup: “Jack and I were sending each other emails before January 6 and I warned him that his platform was allowing a coup to take place. State, “he said.

Afterwards, Harry continued to speak about the disinformation, described by himself as “a global humanitarian crisis”. “I learned from an early age that the incentives of publication are not necessarily aligned with the incentives of the truth,” he said. “My experience has pre-dated social media with the British press, which sadly confuses profit for purpose and news for entertainment. And they don’t report the news, they believe it,” he lamented.

“I know the story too well. I lost my mother for being a product of misinformation and, obviously, I am determined not to lose the mother of my children for the same,” he concluded.

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