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You Can Ask Twitter To Delete A Photo In Which You Appear

Twitter has updated its ‘private information policy’ so that it begins to prohibit any type of dissemination of personal data such as addresses, telephone numbers, identity documents, etc. In addition, said platform will not allow sharing ‘private media’ – images or videos – of other people without prior consent.

The social network has excelled in a posting on his blog that ” sharing personal media such as images or videos, can potentially violate the privacy of a person and can cause emotional or physical harm”.

This means that the application will delete the images or videos that have been published without the consent of the user that appears in the multimedia content, all this if that person requests it .

Twitter also says that the update does not apply to “means having public figures or individuals” , ie photographs of actors, politicians, footballers, etc. However, the multimedia content and text of the publication must be of public interest or add value to the public discourse.

The publications that only serve to harass or intimidate will also be eliminated, although the social network will take into account the images or videos that are published with the aim of helping to find the missing persons or those who have been victims of a violent event .

In these last two cases mentioned, Twitter will assess the context and keep the images if they appear on official channels and the media.

On the other hand, the app maintains the ‘non-consensual nudity policy’ that will prohibit the publication of those photographs and videos with intimate or explicit content without consent, in addition, it will apply to all users of the social network.

This update of the ‘private information policy’ is the first change in Twitter after the arrival of Parag Agrawal as CEO of the company , taking into account that the executive has always shown a great interest in the privacy of users and was involved in changes to the new account protection features.

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