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Now You Can Bring Your Children’s Drawings To Life With This Meta Tool

The smallest of the house bring out their most creative side when they are drawing, now that augmented reality is in fashion, you should know that you can animate your children’s drawings thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

Meta has developed the first Artificial Intelligence method to automatically animate the figures of people that have been created by children on paper, in short, it can transform conventional drawings into animations .

These are the steps you must follow
You must access the following link to upload the drawings , once this step is done, parents and children will be able to see how the characters begin to come to life. The doodles will dance, walk and even jump, in addition, there is the possibility of downloading a video with these cartoons.

The goal of Meta is to build an AI system that can automatically identify and animate human figures in children’s drawings . The only downside to this project is that it does not know how to recognize abstract scribbles, therefore it will be a difficult task to recognize drawings that are not people.

Facebook had been using its facial recognition system since 2010.
To carry out the idea, a system has been developed to teach Artificial Intelligence to identify the human figure in a child’s drawing . Then the human figure is isolated so that the animation is as close as possible to reality , in this way, the joints will be identified so that the drawing can move.

The smallest of the house bring out their most creative side when they are drawing, now that augmented reality is in fashion, you should know that you can animate your children’s drawings thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

Meta has developed the first Artificial Intelligence method to automatically animate the figures of people that have been created by children on paper, in short, it can transform conventional drawings into animations .

These are the steps you must follow
You must access the following link to upload the drawings , once this step is done, parents and children will be able to see how the characters begin to come to life. The doodles will dance, walk and even jump, in addition, there is the possibility of downloading a video with these cartoons.

The goal of Meta is to build an AI system that can automatically identify and animate human figures in children’s drawings . The only downside to this project is that it does not know how to recognize abstract scribbles, therefore it will be a difficult task to recognize drawings that are not people.

Facebook had been using its facial recognition system since 2010.
To carry out the idea, a system has been developed to teach Artificial Intelligence to identify the human figure in a child’s drawing . Then the human figure is isolated so that the animation is as close as possible to reality , in this way, the joints will be identified so that the drawing can move.

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