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Study: Which Social Media Platforms are Brits Ditching? 

  • With over 121,400 monthly searches to leave the platform, Instagram is the platform that people wish to disassociate themselves from.
  • Facebook and Snapchat occupy the second and third positions.
  • Twitter, Google and Spotify and Amazon also make the list.

New research commissioned by online comparison site has found that in Britain, Instagram is the platform people most desire to delete their account from. The study analyzed the number of monthly Google searches in the UK for terms related to deleting accounts to determine which platforms Brits wanted to detox from.

RankSocial MediaMonthly searches to delete account
9Plenty Of Fish3,400

According to the study, Instagram was the most popular choice for users, with over 121.400 monthly searches from users wishing to delete their account. Recently, Instagram was accused of copying features from competing platforms like TikTok after making significant changes to the app.

Facebook takes second place, with more than 36,300 searches a month in the UK. Despite going through a tough year in 2022, Facebook remains the most used social platform worldwide with 2.93 billion monthly active users.

Snapchat takes the third spot, with over 26,400 monthly searches for information on deleting accounts.

Surprisingly, Twitter takes the fifth spot. According to Business Insider, Twitter will lose over 32 million users by 2024, but with 6,300 monthly searches in the UK and 88,000 monthly searches globally, that does seem a bit far-fetched right now.

Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson from CasinoBee said: ‘It’s obvious for everyone to see how users don’t find Instagram anywhere near as engaging as it once was. Instagram’s mindless copying of TikTok is beginning to annoy people in the UK, and it shows.’

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