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ARK’s Inaugural £5,995 All-Electric Vehicle Unveiled, Pioneering Sustainable Urban Mobility in the UK.

ARK Redefines Urban Transportation Landscape as the United Kingdom Welcomes Its First All-Electric Car Company.

Introducing the ARK Zero, ARK’s groundbreaking entry into the automotive market, poised to establish a new benchmark as the UK’s most economically accessible and utilitarian electric vehicle, retailing at an exceptional price of only £5,995.

As a pioneer in the automotive industry, ARK has earned recognition as the UK’s inaugural all-electric car company. Proudly introducing the groundbreaking ARK Zero, this revolutionary vehicle is available at an unprecedented price of £5,995, surpassing all competitors and making sustainable transportation an attainable reality for everyone in the country.

Setting itself apart from traditional manufacturers, ARK is dedicated exclusively to the production of fully electric vehicles, commencing with the remarkable ARK Zero. This exceptional vehicle exemplifies affordability and innovation, propelling the United Kingdom’s transition towards a cleaner and more eco-friendly transportation ecosystem.

“At ARK, we are unwavering in our commitment to forging The Future of Urban Mobility—a future that is intelligent, seamless, and environmentally conscious,” expressed Yilmaz Bora, Founder and CEO of ARK. “Through the elimination of fossil fuel dependency and the embrace of electric vehicles such as the ARK Zero, we can drive positive transformations in our communities and safeguard our planet for generations to come.”

Bora further extended his gratitude, stating, “I express my heartfelt appreciation to our valued business partners, governmental agencies, and dedicated employees whose steadfast support has played an instrumental role in enabling us to swiftly establish a strong presence in the electric vehicle market, while simultaneously delivering innovative solutions to meet the evolving demands of consumers.”

For further information about ARK and its remarkable ARK Zero, please visit

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